EventosFinConecta en las Noticias

Open Finance as a Service presented by AWS & FinConecta

By October 22, 2020 April 5th, 2024 No Comments

Israel, October 20th. Along with Open Banking (and now Open Finance!), the API economy has opened the door to more advanced and dynamic collaborative styles. Through these API-enabled business models, banks are beginning to transform themselves from infrastructures that offer individual services to robust platforms that offer full capabilities. Creating interconnected integrated ecosystems enables financial institutions to deliver on ever-rising customer expectations, as well as taking maximum advantage of the benefits of a flexible infrastructure.

Financial Institutions around the world are eager to learn how to monetize open APIs, simplify Fintech integrations, and accelerate the adoption of multiple Open Banking business models. AWS and FinConecta co-presented Open Finance as a Service, a webinar for Israeli Financial Institutions with an in-depth view and demo of our Open Finance platform, the opportunity that collaborative business models offer, and the integration of third party technologies as a way to shift from capital expenditure (CAPEX) to a more flexible pay-per-use (OPEX).