October is a busy month for our signature simulation game: we started in The Netherlands where we got a chance to present in one of the sessions of FMO’s “Future of Finance: Tomorrow Matters” conference; then we had the opportunity to join the Kellogg School of Business’ Executive MBA candidates @ the Miami campus, and now we look forward to finalizing the month in Colombia as part of FOROMIC’s annual offering, organized by the Inter-American Development Bank.
When participants join ACELERA, they become Gaston Miles – the CEO of New World Bank, the 3rd in Prosperland. Along 3 rounds and 21 situations, participants experience the 5 domains of digital transformation in simulated yet realistic scenarios. ACELERA focuses on the implementation of technology and addresses topics like blockchain, robo-advisors, crowdfunding, fintech integration, digital talent, super platforms, and much more!
Players of Acelera will learn how decisions and actions taken regarding an FI´s technology model produce ripple effects on other equally important domains needed to digitally transform an Institution: business model, approach to innovation, customer engagement and culture & organization.
Participants will benefit from learning by doing, participation in team discussions and the input received from FinConecta’s subject matter experts.
Want to learn more? Join us and play! Contact us here.